Are AirTags Waterproof

Are AirTags Waterproof

Are AirTags Waterproof

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • What are AirTags?
  • AirTags and Water Resistance
  • Understanding IP Ratings
  • AirTags and Water Exposure
  • Water Resistance Limitations
  • Tips for Protecting AirTags from Water Damage
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


AirTags have gained popularity as small, versatile tracking devices that can help users locate their personal belongings. However, one common concern among potential buyers is whether AirTags are waterproof. In this article, we will delve into the topic of AirTags’ water resistance capabilities and provide valuable insights to help you understand their limitations and protect them from water damage.


What are AirTags?

AirTags are small, coin-shaped devices developed by Apple that utilize Bluetooth technology to help users find lost or misplaced items. They are designed to be attached to personal belongings such as keys, wallets, bags, or even pet collars. Through the Find My app on compatible Apple devices, users can track the location of their AirTag-equipped items and receive notifications when they are nearby.


AirTags and Water Resistance

When it comes to water resistance, it is important to note that AirTags are not completely waterproof but do have a certain level of water resistance. Apple has designed AirTags to withstand everyday exposure to moisture, such as rain or sweat, without being damaged. However, they are not intended for prolonged or submersion in water.


Understanding IP Ratings

To determine the extent of a device’s water resistance, we often refer to IP (Ingress Protection) ratings. IP ratings consist of two digits that indicate the device’s resistance to solids and liquids. In the case of AirTags, they do not have an official IP rating. Apple has not provided specific details about the level of water resistance, but they have stated that AirTags are designed to be water-resistant to a certain degree.


AirTags and Water Exposure

Although AirTags can handle some exposure to water, it is essential to avoid submerging them in water or exposing them to excessive moisture. If an AirTag gets wet, it is recommended to dry it thoroughly before using it again. This precaution helps prevent potential damage to the internal components and ensures optimal performance.


Water Resistance Limitations

While AirTags can withstand some moisture, there are limitations to their water resistance capabilities. It is crucial to be aware of these limitations to avoid any potential damage to the device. Here are some very important points to keep in mind:


  1. Depth Limitation

AirTags are not designed to be submerged underwater. If an AirTag is immersed in water, it may lead to damage that can affect its functionality.

  1. Duration of Exposure

Extended exposure to water, especially in submerged conditions, can significantly impact an AirTag’s performance. It is advisable to minimize their contact with water whenever possible.

  1. High-Pressure Water Activities

AirTags should not be exposed to high-pressure water activities like swimming or water sports. The force of water under such conditions can exceed their water resistance capabilities.


Tips for Protecting AirTags from Water Damage

  • To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your AirTags, here are some useful tips for protecting them from water damage:
  • Keep AirTags Dry: Avoid exposing AirTags to water unnecessarily and always dry them thoroughly if they come into contact with moisture.
  • Use Protective Accessories: Consider using protective accessories such as keychains, cases, or pouches specifically designed for AirTags. These accessories offer an extra level of defense against potential water damage.
  • Remove Before Water-related Activities: Before engaging in water-related activities like swimming or water sports, make sure to remove your AirTags from the items they are attached to. This prevents any potential damage due to submersion or forceful water exposure.
  • Avoid Extreme Conditions: Protect your AirTags from extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain or excessive humidity. Exposure to extreme conditions for an extended period can compromise their water resistance.
  • Regular Maintenance: Periodically inspect your AirTags for any signs of water damage. If you notice any issues, such as condensation or malfunctioning, contact Apple Support for assistance.



While AirTags have a certain level of water resistance, they are not completely waterproof. It is important to understand their limitations and take appropriate precautions to prevent water damage. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can ensure that your AirTags remain functional and reliable in various everyday situations.



Q1: Can I use AirTags while swimming?

A1: No, AirTags should not be used during swimming or other water-related activities. They are not designed to withstand prolonged submersion or forceful water exposure.

Q2: Can I attach AirTags to items that are frequently exposed to water?

A2: While AirTags can handle some exposure to moisture, it is advisable to avoid attaching them to items that are consistently in contact with water. Excessive water exposure may compromise their performance.

Q3: Are AirTags resistant to rain?

A3: AirTags are designed to handle everyday exposure to rain without being damaged. However, they should not be exposed to prolonged or heavy rain conditions.

Q4: How can I dry a wet AirTag?

A4: If an AirTag gets wet, it is recommended to dry it thoroughly with a clean, lint-free cloth. Ensure that it is completely dry before using it again.

Q5: What should I do if my AirTag stops working after exposure to water?

A5: If your AirTag malfunctions after exposure to water, contact Apple Support for assistance. They can provide guidance on potential solutions or offer a replacement if necessary.

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